The theme given this year by the Municipality of Reggio Emilia is GREEN, WHITE AND RED, with clear references to the Unity of Italy. Although we consider Italy and its unitary representation to be important and worthy of the most absolute respect, we also consider that, at the present time, the national feeling is not properly and entirely patriotic, The sense of United Italy and its historical and cultural value is often questioned, perhaps because although Italy has been made for 150 years, Italians still have to be made in part. For this reason we considered it necessary, in a photography exhibition that has chosen to be a collective to illustrate different styles and concepts of storytelling, to leave the artists free to express the concept given by the municipality of Reggio Emilia as they best believed.
To do this we chose a title that, playing with ironic leavens on the word TRICOLORE, suggests that the participating artists had the opportunity to decline the theme both opting for a rigorous narrative choice, is having the opportunity to tell a vision of Italy seen with disenchanted eyes. The comparison between these two visions generates a short circuit that pushes the viewer to reflect on the deep sense of being Italians in today’s world. TRICOLORE, lascia intendere che gli artisti partecipanti hanno avuto la possibilità di declinare il tema sia optando per una scelta narrativa rigorosa, sia avendo la possibilità di raccontare una visione dell’Italia vista con occhi disincantati. Il confronto tra queste due visioni genera un corto circuito che spinge lo spettatore alla riflessione sul senso profondo dell’essere italiani nel mondo attuale.
DURATION: 21 May to 3 June 2011
OPENING: Saturday, May 21 at 17.30
PLACE: galleria Metamorfosi
ADDRESS:: Piazza Antonio Fontanesi 5/A – Reggio Emilia
CURATOR: Marina Zatta